First, we need to create population. Each individual of the population is random route. To mimic biological processes, each individual must have a gene. Chromosome base on solution of problem and on TSP situation a gene is an array of city list.
Nature has an elimination system called 'Natural Selection'. Stronger members of the population survive and breed. Genetic algorithm uses a function called 'Fitness Function' to find out strongest individuals. The fitness function is not a generic function. It is determined by the developer based on the problem. In TSP case my fitness function measures the length of the route. Individuals with lower length route are stronger. I select top individuals, keep and breed them and replace with weaker ones.
Here is my fitness function.
3.Genetic Operations
Chromosomal crossover is an exchange of genetic material. Nature creates better genes by using stronger parts of two different chromosomes.
In the genetic algorithm approach I sorted population by fitness (length of the route) and apply crossover to create shorter route:
- Select a pair of solution (route). Each solution is an index array of city points.
Mate 1: Mate 2: - Select a random point and slice Mate 1:
- Fill rest of the sliced Mate 1 array by using Mate 2:
- Here is the new solution (child):
New children populeted this way probably will have better finess result.
Some mutations create crippled creatures, but some mutations are next jump in evaluation tree. Mutation adds dynamism to the population and breaks, repeating crossover loops. I added mutation if genes in pair of solution are same. Just swapped two random indices.
The working implemantation is down below. Also here is he github page.
Some mutations create crippled creatures, but some mutations are next jump in evaluation tree. Mutation adds dynamism to the population and breaks, repeating crossover loops. I added mutation if genes in pair of solution are same. Just swapped two random indices.
Mutates to